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Dark circles under the eyes: Why do they appear and how can you reduce them?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern often observed in individuals of various genders. So, what causes their appearance, and can you reduce them?

Causes of Appearance

The skin around the eyes is highly sensitive and is one of the first areas to react to fatigue, aging, and inadequate care. However, aesthetic issues can also serve as indicators of certain health conditions. Dark circles under the eyes can be signs of health problems such as allergies, thyroid disorders, anemia, and more. Therefore, before addressing the cosmetic concern, it's important to ensure that you don't have any underlying health issues.

​​Other factors that can contribute to the development of dark circles include:

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep.
  • Aging changes: As you age, the skin becomes thinner and less elastic, making blood vessels more visible, leading to darkening of the under-eye area.
  • Eye strain.
  • Dehydration: When the body lacks sufficient water, the skin under the eyes can appear dull.
  • UV exposure: Excessive sun exposure can lead to skin pigmentation around the eyes.
  • Genetic predisposition: In some cases, dark circles may appear at an early age and worsen over time or gradually disappear.
  • Stress: Dark circles can result from the excessive production of the stress hormone cortisol.

How to Reduce the Appearance of Dark Circles

If there is no serious underlying health issue causing dark circles, you can take the following steps to reduce their appearance:

  • Use stone bead eye patches: These can help reduce signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. Apply the patches to your eyes and gently massage with the beads while lying down.
  • Incorporate regular eye massages into your beauty routine using mushroom-shaped massagers.
  • Adjust your lifestyle: Spend at least 40 minutes outdoors daily, take breaks every two hours if you work on a computer, and ensure you get enough sleep.
  • Avoid consuming tea or coffee before bedtime, as these products can retain fluid in tissues and cause dark circles and puffiness. Similarly, it's best to avoid salty foods in the evening for the same reason.
  • Use sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin from UV damage, which can lead to thinning of the skin around the eyes.
  • Don't forget to moisturize: Thin skin requires special care and quality hydration. When applying cream, avoid applying it too close to the mucous membranes, as this can cause irritation and morning puffiness.