Face Massage FAQs: Everything You Wanted to Know About Rollers, Gua Sha, and Facial Massage

What are the benefits of face massage?

  • Improved lymph drainage and blood circulation
  • Reduced puffiness and facial swelling
  • Improved skin tone
  • Relaxed facial muscles and reduced muscle tension
  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stress reduction and improved mood

To achieve noticeable results, it's crucial to perform regular massage sessions with the correct technique. While massage cannot eliminate deep age wrinkles, it can effectively smooth out expression lines. Face massage is suitable for people of all ages.


How often should I get a face massage?

You can do facial roller massage every day, even several times a day. The frequency of gua sha massage depends on the intensity. If you're working your face thoroughly and using strong pressure, 2-3 sessions a week will be enough.

Can I get a face massage if I have skin problems?

Do not massage during an exacerbation of skin diseases (acne, inflammation, dermatitis, rosacea, etc.).

How to choose a gua sha massage tool or facial roller?

Ideally, it's best to have both a roller and a gua sha tool, since they serve different purposes. Roller is a helper for daily care. In the morning, you can use it to remove puffiness from your face, and in the evening, to relax after a long day. It can also be used for massage over sheet masks.

Gua sha requires some preparation and proper technique. The advantage of gua sha is its versatility – the scraper can be used to massage not only the face, but also the scalp and body.

If you're just starting out with gua sha massage, you can choose a heart-shaped scraper. It fits easily in the hand and is maximally convenient for facial massage. If you want to massage not only the face but also the body, choose a scraper of a more complex shape with a wavy edge. As for the material of the massager, it's important that you find it visually and tactilely pleasing.

How to use a gua sha massage tool?

Before the massage, it's necessary to cleanse the face and apply serum or cream. Begin the ritual by working on the sides of the neck. Do not use the massager on the center of the neck near the thyroid gland. Don't forget the back of the neck, as this is where tension builds up. Then move on to massaging the chin, cheeks, forehead, and other areas of the face. The movements should be gentle, smooth, and most importantly, painless. Follow the massage lines, working from bottom to top and from the center outwards. Repeat each movement 5-10 times.

The scraper needs to be held at an angle of 20 to 45 degrees, and all movements should be done along the massage lines. If you have moles or papillomas on your face and neck, try to avoid touching these areas during the massage.

After each session, thoroughly clean the massager with warm water and soap. Be careful not to drop it and store it in a special case or pouch to avoid damage.

How to use a facial roller?

Roller massage also starts with cleansing the skin and is performed only over serum or cream. It is not desirable to use rollers on dry skin. In the evening before the ritual, you can hold the massager under a stream of warm water, this will help to relax the muscles even better. All movements should be made along the massage lines.

What are the contraindications for face massage?

  • Skin diseases in the acute stage.
  • Cuts on the planned massage area.
  • High fever or colds.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Cancer
  • Blood clotting disorders or thrombosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Not recommended after Botox or filler injections, as massage can displace the fillers or remove Botox too quickly.